Product description:
Roofguard is an emulsion based, highly durable, thick, flexible waterproof coating.
Recommended use:
Roofguard should be used for the protection of roofs. It fills and bridges hairline cracks and forms a seamless layer with excellent bonding properties. Roofguard is well suited to protect expanded polyurethane foam from deterioration by U. V. rays.
Surface preparation:
The surface must be clean, dry and free from laitance, dust, sand and other contaminations. Local touch-up of larger blow holes or cracks should be carried out prior to the application of the first full coat of Roofguard.
Other surfaces :The coating may be used on other substrates. Please contact your local Jotun office for more information.
Condition during application :
The temperature of the substrate should be min. 10°C and min. 3°C above the dew point of the air, temperature and relative humidity measured in the vicinity of the substrate. Good ventilation is necessary. The product should not be exposed to mechanical stress until fully cured. The best result and cost performance are obtained when conditions are normally good.
Application methods :
Spray Airless spray.
Brush Recommended.
Roller Recommended.
Other Trowel.